Friday 10 February 2012

Why plans Fail

Why do organisations fail despite plans? is it because of the lack of dedicated managers or mismanagement of organisations funds.The fact is that the absence or failure of a plan is the handicap or failure of a business.some of the reasons why plans fail are:

(1) lack of commitment to a plan by the planner: sometimes the organisation plans but fail to follow up with the plans

(2) Making decisions alone without involved interested parties thereby killing relevant initiatives: This is when top managers dont communicate the plans to employees and lower management,therefore closing the chance for new ideas.

(3) lack of concensus by the managers on definite objectives and strategies, which involve in ambigious objectives such that people do not know what they are trying to achieve(lack of communicated objectives to the employees)

(4) failure to consider all the various aspects of a plan

(5) Undue rivalry and competition between departments in an organisation in an attempt to use the planning process,especially corporate planning,as an opportunity to obtain more share of the company's resources.

(6) inadequacy of money and material resources

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