Thursday, 9 February 2012
1. Technical: Poducing and manufacturing products
2 Commercial: Buying raw materials and selling the products
3. Financial: Acquiring and using capital
4. Security: Protecting employees and property
5. Accounting: Recording and taking stock of costs, profits and liabilities, keeping balance sheets and compiling statistics
6. Managerial: He further divided managing in terms of five functions:
(a) Planning: devising a course of action that will enable organizations to achieve its aims
(b) Organising: mobilizing material and human resources to implement plans
(c) Commanding: motivating workers and making them do their work
(d) Co-ordinating: ensuring that resources and activities of organization are working harmonirously to achieve desired goals.
(e) Controlling: monitoring plans to ensure its proper implementation
Fayol believed that first level managers need only specific technical skill and very little managerial ability but general managers need more managerial skills and less technical skills. He believed management could be taught and therefore called for the introduction of management training and schools. He believed that managerial ability could be applied to the home, church, military, politics and industry.
He is mostly remembered for his propose 14 principles which would help in guiding the reasoning of managers in solving difficult problems.The 14 principles are:
1. Division of Labour: The more people specialize, the more efficiently they perform their duties
2. subordination of individual to the general interest
3.Equity: Managers should be friendly and fair to surbodinates
4. Stability of tenure of personnel: High turnover rate is not good for efficient functioning of the organization
5.Initiative: In performing assigned tasks, surbodinates should be give the freedom to conceive and carry out their plans.
6.Espirit de corpe (unity of effort through harmony of interest): There should be team work and unity in the organization.
7. Authority: Authority and responsibility should be commensurate. To be able to give orders and get things done, managers need:
(i) Formal authority - which gives right to command
(ii) Personal authority- Which comples obedience, such as integrity and intelligence
8. Discipline: Members of an organization should respect the organizations rules and agreements. Discipline entails
-Good leadership
- Fair agreements and
- judicious penalty for offenders
9. Unity of command: no employee should have more than one supervisor. Having more than one supervisor may lead to
-conflict in instructions
-confusion of authority
10. unity of direction: each group of activities with similar objectives should be under one head
11. Centralisation: While managers retain responsibility, enough authority should be given to surbodinates to enable them do their work.
12. Scalar chain (line of authority): There should be a flow of authority from the top to the bottom in the organizations hierarchy
13. Order: People and materials should be in the right place. Each worker should be placed in the work he is most suited for.
14.Renumeration: renumeration or compensation for work done should be fair.
He lived from (1841-1925)
Business Management
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