Wednesday, 8 February 2012
schools of thought:Classical Approach
1.Scientific Management
The father of scientific management is Federick Wilson Taylor,he is an American and an E ngineer by profession.He was an apprentice and later became the chief engineer/consultant and worked for mijuale and bethelehem steel company.He said people should work for maximum effort rather than hope to work less than capacity for fear of loosing thier jobs(soldiering).He introduced the piece rate(payment to workers according to units produced rather than time spent) and time study(the use of a scientific method to study a job by using various people and various method to see the best possible way of doing it to promote maximum efficiency)
Principles of scientific Management
1 Development of a science for each element of an individual work.
2. A scientific selection,training and development of the worker
3. Co-operation among workers
4. Equal division of work between management and workers instead of using the rule of thumb
2. Administative Management
Henri Fayol is the father of the administrative management school of thought.He identified some principles which he believed works for him.He tried to identify the activities of every industry undertaking
(1) Technical activities (2) commercial activities (3)security (4) financial activities (5) accounting (6) managerial activities.
He developed the popular 14 principles of management which include:
1. Division of work
2. Authority and Responsibility
3. Unity of command
4. Discipline
5. Unity of direction
6. Initiative
7. Order
8. Equity
9. Subordination of individual materials to group interest(supervision of group interest)
10. Centralization (variation in nature of concentration and authority
11. Renumeration of personnel(must be just and fair)
12.Stability of tenure of personnel
13. Espirit-de-corps(maximum team work and proper cooperation of men)
14. Objectives scalar chain(structure of responsibility)
Max Weber was a german intellectual who did a lot of research,he analysed extensively the government,churches,millitary bas,and various forms of businessduring his time and came to the conclusion that hierarchy,authority and bureaucracy formed the basis/foundation for all social organisations.
he was of the opinion that an ideal organisation his a bureucracy,a system where organisations and thier activities are guided by rules,clearly defined tasks for all employees and mutual respects for rules and agreement by both the employees and the management.
Characteristics of Bureaucracy
They are numerous characteristics of Bureaucracy which are
2.Hierarchy of authority
3.The system of Rules
4. Impersonality
5. Division of labour
6. Formal selection
7. Career orientation
The first four are considered the major characteristics of Bureaucracy.
Business Management
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