Tuesday, 4 March 2014
Transferability and Universality of Management
In 1967 Drucker argued against this,he believed that management skill and experience are specific to an industry and as such cannot be applied to running of different institutions,as they have different goals or objectives underlying their existence.Dale was in support of drucker's view but considered the idea of universality as implying that management is a theory of universal principles applicable in every field. He does not believe that any one person can hold administrative capability in all fields,for example being a good administrator simultaneously in academics,business,millitary or religious concerns as it is believed that the underlying philosophy is so varied in nature and it is unfeasible for one person to know too much.
To a great extent,management principles are the same everywhere.However,their application will depend on the particular environment. Which means that for effective and efficient management,the principles must be modified to suit the particular environment.Thus environment must be considered in application of fundamental principles of management.
In summary,management principles are generic, i.e not specific or relating to a class or group of things.Management principles are generally applied rather than specific too a type of firm or organization. However it can be deemed universal only if managers have become familiar with the specific situation in which it is applied.
Similarly,comparative managers have different views and opinions as to whether management is transferable or not.In the scientific school of thought,scholars believe that the organization are faced with problems of scarcity of resources and must allocate the available men,machines,materials,time and money to varying needs and aims. In this school of though management is believed to be transferable because the problems of the organizations can only be achieved by trained managers,and since they were trained by someone that means that the management skill and knowledge where transfered in the process.
Scholars of the art school of thought believe that management skills cannot be transferred,since effective management depends on the personal characteristics of individuals in management positions.it is believed that management are born and not made,and personal characteristics cannot be easily transferred.
Drucker (2001) resolves this controversy by commenting that transferability of management depends on the aspect of management skill.According to him,art aspect of management cannot be transferred whereas,scientific aspect can be transferred.
There are evidence that the fundamentals of management are universal:
Basic principles about people's behaviour in a specific setting will remain the same irrespective of the environment
Humans called principles fact that different managers from different environment apply to their different environments
A manager can also apply his skill and knowledge in a wide variety of industries and services
There is evidence that great management workers like peter drucker, henri fayol, and f.w taylor are acknowledged all over the world for their contribution to the development of the field of management.
Management books written by experts from different parts of the world are identical in their discussion of management theory and principles.
Theories developed in europe, America and asia are applied to third world countries
Management books written by authors in the context of their own environment are practicable in other environments too.
In the case of multinationals, managers might be moved from one location to another, but they take with them their skills and knowledge and apply them effectively.
Therefore,management is both universal and transferable, but universality and transferability of management form part of the sources of challenges that managers face.
Business Management,
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