Saturday, 4 October 2014

Management & The schools of Thought

Charles Sano: management is getting things done through other people

Mussleman & Huges
Management is the process of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the activities of an enterprise to achieve an integrated system end to achieve certain objectives.
Management is a social process that entails responsibility for effective economic planning and the regulation of an enterprise’s operation in fulfillment of a given purpose or task. The responsibility involves judgement and decisions on determining plans and developing data procedures to control performance and progress.

Management is the guidance, integration, motivation and supervision of the personnel composing the enterprise and carrying out its operations.

David Schwarts
Management is the process of achieving an organization’s growth through the co-ordinated performance of the five specific functions  which are planning, organization, staffing, directing and controlling.

 Management and Administration
Administration refers to the activities of higher level management group who determine major aims and policies. In the civil service, management refers to the activities of the district managers while administration refers to the activities f the ministers  and ministriesAdministration refers to the performance of routine tasks

Is Management an art or a science
Management was largely an art before the advent of the scientific management school of thought. Decisions were made on value judgement rather than the testable facts.Management however still ghas some elements of art as it has of science. It is still an art because it uses underlying organized knowledge and skills and creative imaginations in planning and achieving organizational goals.
Management has some element of science because it makes use of time and motion studies, operations research, mathematical model and computerization . It is analytical , statistical, rational and quantifiable. For examplepsychological tests are employed in rational personnel selection. Management is ascience again because it makes decision on testable facts.

Business objectives
The essence of management is to determine and accomplish organizational goals and objectives. The objectives of a business are:
1. The desire to earn profit for corporate existence
2. The provision of products and services that are satisfactory to customers
3. the achievement of economic growth.
4. The creation and sustainance of a favourable image.

Objective is the end product or goal towards which mangement directs its efforts. It is a statement of purpose or a firm’s reason for existing.

Why objectives are valuable to business
 1. objectives provide direction- Efforts could be directed towards a given course of action
2. Objectives serve as a motivator: They boost the moral of workers or influence them through greater performance.

3. Objectives contribute towards management process the necessary starting poin =t for planning.
4. Objectives serve as basis for management and philosophy

The guidelines for setting objectives
1. state objectives clearly
2. involve surbodinate in the setting of objectives
3. Review progress significantly
4. Make objectives challenging
5. Co-ordinate objectives
6. Keep objectives flexible.

Peter Drucker’s key areas for business objectives

1. Innovationg: affected by decisions whether to lead research and development or make use of other company’s resources
2. Market sharing: Decision as to whether unique product,, high quality products or cheap products should be offered for mass  production.

3. Manager’s performance and development: it is influenced ny the senior executives style of management in the market.

4. Productivities : Ththe nature of the production and the level of skill and technology appropriate for the prosuction

Profitability : the nature of profitablity envisaged in the market.

6. Physical and financial resources: The forms of capital to be raise  on the cost of capital and the market areas.
7. Public responsibility: Influenced by the social attitude , prospective legal reuirements and the strength of outside pressure on the group.
8. Worker’s compensation   : Influenced by the social environment and company’s strength and weaknesses in personnel management.

                 Organizational Theory
The mechanistic / classical/ scientific approach
1. Max weber
2.Federick taylor
3. Henry ganntt
4. Frank and lilhan Gilberth
5. Henry fayol.

             Humanistic Organizational theory
1.Elton mayo
2.Abraham maslow
3.Danglas mcgregor
4.Mary parker follet
5.Fedrick herzberg
6. Victor H vroom
7.David Mcclelleand
8. Chriz Argyris
9. Rennsis Likert
The main features of the classical school are:
1. belief in one central authority
-Well defined views on the span of control
-Clear division between the line management and staff
-The need for equal responsibility and authority
-Importance of delegation of authority, structures, rules, principles and procedures.

(a) The classical theorists neglected the importance of people. This is what elton mayo, travistock institute and others who believed in collective bargainning and plurality of organizations later laid claim emphasis on.

(b) The universality of the school. Subsequent work has shown organization vary significantly according to overall technology, objectives, type of market, nature of environment etc

(c) The classical theory is mechanical, influential and conservative.

The main features of the human relations school are

The focus was on
1. Group needs
2. Individual needs
3. motivation
4. Importance of people in orgaization
5. Relationship between good human relations and performance
6. Leadership style
7. Involvement and participation of people in matters affecting them
8. Communication and managerial skill in interpersonal relationship.

Criticisms were:
1. There exist conflicts in organizations
2. There exist poor relationship between employers and employees.
3. Evidence on the correlation between good human relationship and productivity is unclear. Many   regard the beliefs of this school to be derived from the needs of the managerial class to manipulate employees in their interests.
4. subsequent investigations have stressed the importance of understanding the socio-technical system as a basis for granting the complexities for managing people in organizations.
There exist conflict in organizations and poor relationship and this need  more urgent attention.

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