Saturday 31 January 2015

Finding a propitious niche

Finding a propitious niche:
A niche is a need in the market place that is currently not satisfied. What then is a propitious niche? A propitious niche is an extremely favourable niche so well suited to the firm's internal and external environment that other companies are not likely to compete to satisfy that marketplace. A propitious niche can be called a "strategic sweet spot",such niches are only large enough for one firm to fill and once a firm fills it,it is not profitable for competing firms to come into the market. To find such a niche,a firm must always ve on the look out for a strategic window because it is on a first come, first serve basis,it is important for a firm to be the first that seeks to fulfill the need of the market place.

One company that successfully found a propitious niche was Frankj. Zamboni & company,the manufacturer of the machine that smooth the ice skating rinks, Frank Zamboni invented the unique tractor like machine in 1949 and no one has found a substitute for what it does. The machine has now become so important because before its existence,people had to clean and scrape the Ice by hand to prepare the surface for skating.

The most delighted being the hockey fans who just sit and watch the Zamboni slowly drive up and down the ice rink,turning rough scraped ice into a smooth mirror surface. So as long as Zamboni's company was able to produce the machines in the quantity and quality desired at a reasonable price, it was not worth another company's while to go after Frank Zamboni's propitious niche.

Learn more about Propitious Niche

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