Sunday 1 February 2015


What is a Group

A group is defined as a combination of two or more individuals jointly contributing specialized services which are coordinated for the attainment of enterprise purpose.

Stages of Group formation:
  • Forming: Gathering information and resources,finding out things about the tasks, rules and methods.

  • Storming: Development of conflicts over tasks or leadership.

  • Norming: Settling the conflicts,development of cooperation exchange of views and development of new standards.

  • Performing: Achieving team work,experiencing flexible roles, finding and implementing solutions.

  • Adjourning: Dispersing on completion of its tasks.

Group effectiveness;
Effectiveness means:
  • Effectiveness in terms of task accomplishment
  • Effectiveness in terms of satisfaction of group members.

Characteristics of an effective group
  • Members listen to each other
  • Most decisions are reached by general consensus
  • Much relevant discussion with high degree of participation
  • Informal,relaxed atmosphere
  • Group tasks or objectives clearly understood.
  • Group examines its own progress and behavior.
  • Leadership is not always with the chairman but shared.
  • ideas are expressed freely and openly
  • Conflict is handled maturely.

Characteristics of an Ineffective group
  • Members do not listen to each other
  • Most decisions are reached by simple majority
  • Discussion is dominated by few and it may not be relevant
  • Bored or tensed atmosphere
  • No clear common objective
  • Groups avoid any discussion about its behavior
  • Leadership is provided by the chairman
  • Personal feelings are kept hidden and criticism is embarrassing
  • Conflict is either avoided or allowed to escalate beyond proportion.

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