Sunday 8 February 2015

The Human factor in Enterprise

The Human factor in Enterprise
To achieve enterprise objectives, all organized effort must be put into use. The objective is to produce and make available some kind of goods or services. It is universal and by no means only for profit making purposes, this effort is applicable to businesses,non-profit organizations, hospitals, universities and government. The needs and objectives of the various organizations are always top of the priority,but it should be noted that the individuals working for them would also have their own needs and objectives that are especially important to them. Through leading,managers see they can help team members satisfy their own needs while at the same time they are contributing to the aims of the enterprise. This requires an understanding of the roles assumed by people, their individuality, their dignity and their holistic nature.

It is important to recognize that individuals are much more than a productive factor, they are members of social systems of many organizations, they are consumers of the produced goods and services,and they have an influence over the demand of the products. In these roles, the influence they exercise establishes laws and govern managers, ethics that guide behavior and a tradition of human dignity that is a major characteristic of our society.

It is important to know that not everyone is the same and there is no average person. The trend is for organizations to develop rules, procedures, work schedules, safety standards and many more with the assumption that everyone is alike. I am not saying that this is not necessary to a great extent in organized efforts to instill discipline and work towards a common goal, but the organization should also recognize that people are unique and they have different needs , different attitudes, different ambitions, different desires for responsibility, different skill-set and different potentials.

So unless the complexity and individuality of people are clearly understood, the generalizations about motivation,leadership and communication may be misapplied by managers. This means that principles and concepts although generally true have to be adjusted to fit the specific situation.

The main aim for an enterprise is to do what ever it takes excluding negative and unethical things to achieve the enterprise's objectives,but in so doing the management should never violate the dignity of people.The concept of individual integrity derived from ethical philosophy means that people must be treated with respect,no matter what their position in the organization may be.

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